It’s All About the Kids

Getting a glimpse of our stronger selves.

When I first began to write this article for JLife, its purpose was to highlight all the great kids programs that were on the horizon for our PJ Library families.  Little did I know that in the meantime the world would be reeling from horrendous terrorist attacks in Israel and growing threats of anti-semitism here at home. We cannot just go on as usual and we must recognize the sheer shift in our world but, neither of these two unimaginable events will stop us from doing Jewish programming for our community and neither will keep us from our goals of creating spaces in our lives for Jewish activities. PJ Library recognizes the fact that “…it is vitally important to provide moments of hope, joy, and light for our children.” With this in mind and to help us turn our hopelessness into action, PJ Library has created Little Hands, Big Hearts. It is a campaign to send messages of hope to Israeli children. You can participate by asking your child to write a message or draw a picture to send to a child in Israel. Mail your card to PJ’s New York Office:
PJ Library
165 East 56th Street
Attn: Little Hands, Big Hearts
New York, NY 10022
    So, on to the fabulous programs coming up for your families in the next month or two.  On Sunday, November 12, at 10 a.m., Aliza Sokolow will be talking to kids and families about mindful eating while doing a cooking demonstration at Temple Beth Israel Pomona. Aliza is a private chef, food stylist and award-winning photographer. She has won an Emmy and several Emmy nominations and a James Beard Media Award. Her children’s activity book, This is What I Eat, is an introduction to mindful-eating for families. It is a playful guide to healthy eating and engaging with our planet. It will be available for purchase and signing for $18.73. To RSVP for this event suitable for kids ages 5+ and their grown-ups, visit
    On December 3, at 11 a.m., PJ Library brings a Happening Hanukkah Party to Vroman’s Bookstore in Pasadena. We will read Alan Silberberg’s hilarious book Meet the Latkes, we will do Hanukkah crafts and we will sing a few Hanukkah songs. Kids and parents of all ages are welcome. Just bring your Hanukkah spirit. Meet us at Vromans, 695 East Colorado Blvd.
    And, yet another opportunity to bring in the light on Hanukkah is our annual, rollicking concert with PJ Library favorite Jason Mesches. Celebrate the 7th night with us on December 13 via Zoom. You need to register and we will happily send you the link and a little pre-concert glow kit!
    Besides holiday programs, our newly revived Gan Katan program has re-emerged stronger than ever. If you would like more information about this twice-monthly program for infants, toddlers and their grown-ups, please contact the Jewish Federation Office or email me directly. As I put this article to rest I have no idea what the future will bring, but what I can be sure of is that our Jewish community in the San Gabriel & Pomona Valleys and beyond, is strong and we will continue to bring you opportunities to connect and engage and celebrate life, because that is what we do!   

Debby Singer is Jewish Federation’s PJ LIbrary Program Director and A contributing writer to kiddish magazine.

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