DIY Summer

diy_summer_kidSummer time is the perfect opportunity to relax and unwind. It is also a great time to take on a few self-improvement projects as well. You can work as a family to polish up new skills or dust off some old ones. We have a nice chunk of time—for most about 3 months—to really get at it, and you’d be surprised just how much you can accomplish in that short amount of time. Here are just a few ideas to get you started.
Work Out
Now is a great time to start a training program for the fall sports season. If you want your kids to be the best players on the court come September, you need to develop good training habits now. The best players keep at it. They don’t stop practicing once their season is over. Instead, they use the off-season to become even better. Some ideas for training include:

• Talk to their coaches about a fitness plan they can follow for the summer.
• Work on individual skills, such as serves, dribbling, passing against a wall, etc.
• Network with your neighbors to set up informal scrimmages or pick-up games with your kids’ teammates.

Build Something
Kids love to get their hands dirty so it shouldn’t be hard to get them fired up. The options are endless, but the best approach is to ask them what their favorite part of the school year was for them. What subject did they like the best and go from there. You can get some help by browsing a collection of DIY projects online. So get to building: you’ll pick up great skills, pass the time, and have something to show for it when you’re done. Ideas include:
• Build a herb garden.
• Create your own family logo.
• Build a bird house.
Whatever project you choose, if you do it together, it will help make you a closer family unit. Plus you’ll have a ton of fun.

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