Temple Beth Israel of Pomona

   Temple Beth Israel of Pomona has pursued varied and exciting online weekly programs providing congregants with many ways to stay connected to our Jewish community.
    At the start of the pandemic, Rabbi Kupetz and Cantor Buch started leading Zoom Siyyum Services several nights a week as a way to end the day with Jewish songs and prayers. Family Shabbat Services have continued via Zoom as have erev Shabbat services. 
    Saturdays, we are fortunate to have our Torah study group continue, led by Mikey Rhein. Saturday evenings conclude with a Zoom Siyyum with Havdalah.
    In addition, Temple Beth Israel spent quite a while planning for online High Holy Day Services. Congregants were invited to join in focus groups with TBI leaders and share their feelings as to the most important parts of the High Holy Day experience.  As part of the Adult Learning classes, Rabbi Kupetz and Cantor Buch offered several online sessions to renew congregants‘ approach to the High Holy Days in the time of COVID-19.
    The Temple Beth Israel Adult Jewish Learning Committee has committed itself to continue to provide congregants with opportunities to engage with the Temple community.  The TBI Movie Zoom Club provided an avenue to watch the movies at home and then participate in conversations about Jewish-themed movies. 
    Online workshops have included weekly short-story discussions, evenings of play readings and discussions, and monthly book discussions that delve into Israel’s history and its current political and social issues.
    Many Temple volunteers call members just to chat and check in on their well-being. Thanks to some donations, each week about 100 challahs are purchased and a group of volunteers, the Challah Angels (wearing masks and practicing social distancing) deliver them to congregants. Congregants are thrilled to receive these.
    Several committees have been formulating procedures and protocols surrounding the eventual opening process. The TBI Preschool is planning to reopen with COVID-19 safety and health policies in place.  Under the guidance of the COVID-19 Task Force, there are subcommittees for the Preschool, Beit Sefer and Community Rental Spaces. 
    Guided by the principles of  preserving human life (pikuach nefesh) and relying on experts (asei l’cha Rav), this group of lay leaders and clergy have worked diligently to review current law, CDC guidance and common sense to develop a plan to re-open when legally allowed to do so safely.
    Congregants at Temple Beth Israel are being afforded many avenues to stay involved and connected to their Jewish community during the pandemic. 


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