Pitching IN

Team work and together concept, Hand of people high five for tag team

PARTNERSHIPS ARE AN essential part of daily life. We partner in our personal lives and in our professional world. In every context, the concept of partnership is a familiar one and is a key aspect of what makes our world go round. When I think of model partnerships, among my favorites are: Martin and Lewis, Burns and Allen, Simon and Garfunkel, Rogers and Hammerstein, Laurel and Hardy, Batman and Robin, Tom and Jerry, Bert and Ernie, peanut butter and jelly, lox and bagels, Ben and Jerry… the list could go on and on.

In all these relationships, there is an ebb and a flow; a give and a take. Each partner brings something of themselves to the table and the resulting partnership is something new, something different.

I feel this way in regards to personal partnerships as well. In the relationship we cultivate with our spouse, our significant other, our business partner or with our closest friends, each of us brings something to the table that is important and helps make the partnership stronger and better than it would be if we were trying to do it alone.

As an organization, our Jewish Federation partners with our local Jewish community organizations to develop meaningful engagement opportunities and interesting, relevant programs. We offer services through our Jewish Counseling and Referral Network that meet urgent needs of our community members. And, we partner with each of you in building our local community into the place we’d like to see it be for our children and ourselves. Each and every one of you matter. You are part of the continuity of our community. And, in offering your time, your resources and your thoughtful feedback, you partner with us and contribute to building and enhancing local Jewish life for all of us.

One of the partnerships that our Jewish Federation has embarked on this past year is with our JLife SGPV magazine! We have been thrilled to partner in bringing this publication to your mailbox, and we have been proud to deliver a product that so wonderfully showcases our vibrant and active Jewish community.

As we continue to navigate this partnership with JLife, we want to make you aware that, beginning with this issue, we will be making a few changes. We are moving towards a slightly shorter and more consolidated feel, which is more economical and will also ensure that we minimize our environmental impact. And, some of our monthly columns will now rotate so that we can guarantee that the more relevant and timely content is featured front and center.

In the coming months we look forward to many exciting partnerships with our local community organizations. Over the summer, our local synagogues, Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center and Temple Beth Israel of Pomona, will be hosting our community-wide Jewish summer camp, Gan Shalom. In addition, our organization is beginning to work with our local political leaders and community partners to create a Holocaust commemoration program that will take place in January.

None of these things would be possible without you and your continued partnership with us. Thank you for being our partners and we wish you all a wonderful summer!

Jason Moss is the Executive Director of the Jewish Federation of the Greater San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys. He can be reached at jmoss@jewishsgpv.org.

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